General Information
Readiness to Change Questionnaire
How to Talk to Someone with a Hoarding Problem
Hoarding Intervention Essentials
Hoarding Best Practices Guide
Massachusetts Local Hoarding Task Forces
Understanding Motivational Interviewing
Sorting, Categorizing, and Organizing Guide
Cognitive-Behavioral Model of Hoarding
Elements that Contribute to Hoarding Problems of Acquiring, Saving, and Clutter
Measuring Hoarding Severity
Saving Inventory - Revised (SI-R)
HOMES Multidisciplinary Risk Assessment
Structured Interview for Hoarding Disorder (SIHD)
Diagnostic Interview for Anxiety, Mood, and OCD and Related Neuropsychiatric Disorders (DIAMOND)
UCLA Hoarding Severity Scale (UHSS)
Compulsive Acquisition Scale (CAS)
Environmental Cleanliness and Clutter Scale
MassHousing Hoarding Resources
Clutterers Anonymous
Institute for Challenging Disorganization
IOCDF Hoarding Center
National Association of Professional Organizers
Cape Cod Hoarding Task Force
Anxiety and Depression Association of America
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
American Psychiatric Association
American Psychological Association
Hoarding of Animals Research Consortium
Web Apps
DSM-5-TR (American Psychological Association, 2022)
Hoarding: What Everyone Needs to Know (Steketee & Bratiotis, 2020)
ADD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life (Kolberg & Nadeau, 2016)
Buried in Treasures: Help for Compulsive Acquiring, Saving, and Hoarding (Tolin, Frost, & Steketee, 2014)
Treatment for Hoarding Disorder (Steketee & Frost, 2014)
Treatment for Hoarding Disorder Workbook (Steketee & Frost, 2014)
Group Treatment for Hoarding Disorder - Therapist Guide (Muroff, Underwood, & Steketee, 2014)
Children of Hoarders: How to Minimize Conflict, Reduce the Clutter, and Improve Your Relationship (Neziroglu & Donnelly, 2013)
Severe Domestic Squalor (Snowdon, Halliday, & Banerjee, 2012)
Stuff: Compulsive Hoarding and the Meaning of Things (Steketee & Frost, 2011)
The Hoarder in You: How to Live a Happier, Healthier, Uncluttered Life, 2012 (Zasio, 2012)
The Hoarding Handbook: A Guide for Human Service Professionals (Bratiotis, Schmalisch, & Steketee, 2011)
Digging Out: Helping Your Loved One Manage Clutter, Hoarding, and Compulsive Acquiring (Tompkins, 2009)
Overcoming Compulsive Hoarding: Why You Save and How You Can Stop (Bubrick, Neziroglu, 2004)